Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont.
Konrad Adenauer

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Odderøya and Kristiansand

Meine Lieben,
die Tage verfliegen nur so hier in Kristiansand und die Einführungswoche hat gerade erst begonnen. Gerne möchte ich Euch einen Einblick geben, wie diese aussehen kann:


Hier mischen sich Freizeit und Studienorganisation. Doch zuerst möchte ich einen kurzen fotografischen Überblick der letzten zwei Tage geben.

Our Meeting Point was 11 am at the city's cathedral. Everybody met there and was talking, laughing and complaining about the weather and the prices in Norway.

We was given a small city tour but not with the
most interesting tourist information, just with
important information like "where can I buy some
used stuff?" "Where is the best bank to open an account?" and so on. But, we also see a little bit of the centre and from the "havn" with all the small and beautiful boats.

 That's my "BuddyGroup" with students from Austria, Germany, France, Colombia, Polen and Spain [not sure if I forgot somebody...].
 And everywhere ships and boats.

Btw, it was raining all day long, but I was lucky to took a few pictures without....
 And the famous wooden houses in red colour. Long ago they used to paint them all with ox blood in red because it was the cheapest way to make them weather resistant. The houses of the richer people were painted in white. Today both is very common and looks gorgeous from my point of view.
In the evening there was a "Velkomen Party" for all the students and I am happy for several student that I didn't took fotos in this event. Apart from this it was raining the whole night........
but we had fun!!!!!

[Sunday 19.08.2012 -  Odderøya]
Again the meeting point at the Cathedral in the city centre, but today there were at the beginning less people ... was there a party yesterday???
Well in the end there were almoust everybody from the whole group (of more or less 150 exchange students) and we started to walk to the island called  Odderøya!!!
It was a long trip with a guide and it was a little exhausting but super nice. So I'll give you a small impression of what we've seen there.
I am a litte sad because I do not have any photos of the most delightful things on this day:
                                                     << The Waffles and the Beach >>
But take a look at the trip:

 I am not quite sure who needs so many letter boxes? But I liked them...

The view to Kristiansand.

Lots of Rocks there...

Our tourguide (at the right side) and a small part
from our total group. Interested in history?
 Looks like

Well, what else to say - so - much - water!

The Flag! The beautiful flag of norway. I was waiting like minutes cause there was no wind so it was quite difficult to make this picture.
Love it! The see!

After that exhausting trip we went to the beach, very clean and clear water over there. We had a lot of sun and I was full with thausend (tyssen in norwegian) freckles. And the top of the day was I bought a BIKE, yeah babe. Good night and looking at the "stressful" next week I am not quite sure if I am able to write this blog in the next days....concerts and excursions will take all my time, I'm so sorry ... ; )

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