Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont.
Konrad Adenauer

Thursday, September 13, 2012

time for braindrain, brainwaste, brainrubbish and -garbade, brain treasures, brain mixtures, brain ....what else?

give it a flow? i am not quite sure if there exists any flow at the moment in my childish brain. anyways, i try to give this blog a bit of rubbish and non-sense. first of all i wanted to say 

R.I.P. iPod, i loved you so much and had a good time with you, but you didn't survive norway.

i have to much time today. so i get the feeling i am wasting it. but thinking of the next time coming soon there aren't gonna be such days anymore. time schedule:
- friday 14.9: yoga at 7 in the morning (woop woop), class, meeting at the cafeteria to talk about our hiking plans, climbing in the evening
- saturday 15.9.: hiking, international evening with lots of food
- sunday 16.9: museum day (thinking of the mexican grito!!!)
- monday 17.9: the whole day class at uni
- tuesday 18.9: ferry trip to denmark, to buy some tax free [...] 
- wednesday 19.9: trip to setesdal for three days
- thursday 20.9: pancha is getting older
- friday 21.9: coming back from trip "setesdal"
- saturday 22.9: not sure
- sunday 23.9: not sure
- monday 24.9 - friday 28.9: school experience at ?-school
- friday 28.9.: trip to tjaum with the climbing group till 30.9.:
With this we invite you to join us on a weekend-trip to Tjaum outside Vigeland in Lindesnes muncipiality. Tjaum is a remarkably beautiful hiking-area with lots of potential. The plan is that the trip will have a focus on climbing, but that there will be several other activites during the weekend.

The crag at Tjaum is varied with both easy beginner routes and harder routes for the more experienced. It is possible to climb sport, trad, mix, technical and routes over several pitches here. If you need to borrow climbing equipment, please contact KSI in advance.

The camp is located by the sea, which gives us the opportunity for slacklining, climbing, hiking and several activites on water. Nils is planning to bring his boat, and we will borrow canoes from the local scout group. Fishing, canoing and swimming is possible activities if you do not wish to climb much.

Equipment worth bringing:


Sleeping bag
Sleeping mat
Swimwear - not compulsory though
Woolen underwear
Warm sweater, pants
Waterproof jacket, pants
Cutlery, plates to eat from
Mittens/gloves and a warm cap

We will be driving almost all the way to the camp, so you may bring luxury items if you so wish.

We hope to see you all there!

-KSI klatring&friluftsliv-

well, what else to say. that is spectacular to go out for this with all the norwegian people.  And then we will welcome the month october. i am unable to think clearly right now so i am gonna read knut hamsun - hunger now. i wish everybody a nice weekend. bye

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