Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont.
Konrad Adenauer

Friday, October 26, 2012

The wealthy country Norway or too much food to survive!

If you are a true Blogger follower you probably noticed that most of the blogs have been filled up with nature, travel, sport, living and university. I've never been such a food blogger - until now. I have to. Why? I got the impression that I recently got a new hobby - food!
People that know me would almoust certainly interrupt my speech now and say "Nooooo, not possible, Pancha and Food? Im-po-ssi-ble! She eats like a bird...tzzz."

Let me start a bit more systematically:
Thursday, 18/October:
My new neighbour but old acquaintance Devin invited us [Anne, Nina, Sabrina, Vuokko] to have a cake-dinner. It was a low-calory cake full of snikkers and cream and chocolate. Vuokko probably thought it wouldn't be enought so she made a chocolate pie on top of that. Imitating The annoying Orange we gorged ourselves with this two massive objects getting close to a sugar coma, as A. expressed it:
[Bild mit "freundlicher Genehmigung von Anne]

And with this nearly "sugar coma" we got the

Friday, 19/October:

Next food-invitation called NORSEC-Dinner. The point was that everybody from our group prepared a selfmade dinner from his or her homecountry. So we got a lot to eat from austria, germany, spain, usa, ireland, japan, england, poland and lithuania! It was delicious. Oh, I forgot, Jaime forced me to prepare sth. from México cause we have a lot of germans to vary a bit. I made Quesadillas y Guacamole.

Everyone had a lot of fun and our bellies got quite full of so much tasty and yummie food.

The only thing left was smiling and a piece of Flammkuchen and Nachos!

Saturday, 20/October:

Self-made Pizza at Stian's house! The most difficult was finding the way! And btw Ole was really sick so I had to borrow another bike con duenio columbiano; los frenos no funcionaban!
There was a big bunch of norwegians, three germans and a brazilian-german! Good group, eating pizza, talking in 3 languages and at the end we watched a climbing movie, cause it was a bonding-event from our climbing group.

Sunday, 21/October:
 The crazy plan of a crazy swiss girl to invite for a chocolate-fondue in the dorm. Ha! a crowd of nice people dropped in there and we all brought a lot of fruits! Swiss chocolate and fruits, what a climax!
It was so much fun and at the end of the day I rolled home!
Thursday, 25/October:
Not to forget: Yesterday we made Sushi!!!!!!

Let's rock and ROLL!

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