Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont.
Konrad Adenauer

Monday, October 29, 2012

My school experience in Haumyrheia Skole

I just can say, it was better than expected. Last week I joined different classes in a secondary school in Kristiansand, its name is Haumyrheia Skole, quite difficult to pronounce. I got impressed of the big differences between Germany and Norway. To be honest, I am to lazy to mention everything but yes, there are some hudge differences:

The pupils are relaxed and friendly. Why? Well, I think because of the different type of teaching method. The teachers use a very practical way to teach them. The language lessons are pretty communicative, they sometimes have to move and walk while speaking, lot of presentations and simply communication in the foreign language. In music lesson they played the guitar, they even played M. Jackson's "BAD" on guitar, drums, bass, piano and so on...

They also have english lessons where everybody has an iPad.

And the school from behind!

 From inside, the main entrance hall.

And pupils during the cooking or food and health - lesson. They have two hours, got a short theoretical introduction and start then cutting and cooking in small groups. At the end everbody's free to taste the meal.

Sometimes it tasted way to salty but never mind....

 I got really impressed by the hudge music instrument collection this small school has!

And as you can see in the picture they really like it to sing and play the guitar, you could feel the joy ...

I had a great week of school practice there, what i've never expected before...

Thank you Per and pupils of Haumyrheia Skole.

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