Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont.
Konrad Adenauer

Friday, November 2, 2012

never expected such a paradox life style!

In recent times I finally started with some research stuff I wanted to work with from the beginning. Including some duties for university as well as some voluntary work for my studies back home in germany and hopefully also for a future work. However, it would be kinda boring to write down my ideas for work papers in such a blog full of adventure highlights, wouldn't it? So maybe you wonder "what the heaven is this human being doing all day long in norway?" - You wanna know?
Of course, I can't go all the time for travelling and actually I don't want it at all. But yes, besides working and reading a lot for university I fill up my life here with some other activities. As you may have noticed a big part of time I "waste" for sport. I have to admit that it is something I missed in Germany without knowing. A lot of time I sat in front of my laptop writing on thesis and papers for universtity and wasting some time in certain social networks. Here in norway I ride my bike Ole to go from A to B and then to C; sometimes D. He is my transport and one of my best friends. He forces me to move myself. To be in action. I also go to Spicheren as you may know where I try to help my body not getting so much older, train muscles with running, biking, rowing, machines, climbing, swimming, yoga and gymnastics. I got a well-trained body. But ultimately I get more and more seduced by food. Damn! With my swiss/german friends I eat a lot of really good tasting and calory-bombed food. We celebrate together with the international students International Dinners where everybody has to bring food from all over the world. And now the time of Weihnachtsplätzchen will start, it seems to end in a disaster in my opinion.
But yesterday happened something I would've never expected: There was Anne and me (I am old, I mean, I am 29 years old!!!) being in a room in a student dorm, taking the hairbrush (after eating a pot of milkrice with apple and cinnamon...) and doing (singing) playback to Whitney Houstons I have nothing! It was kinda surreal.

The result was that we laughed a lot like adolescents (better in german: pubertierende Jugendliche!!!). Of course this song reminds me a lot that I am married and that there is somebody I miss a lot. So was it coincidence that when I came back to my room that he was online??? Who knows. But it felt refreshing this situation.
In the evening I went with my climbing friends to take off all the cracks from the climbing wall, wash them and sort them. Bonding experience more than cool work. But today is the time of planing and screwing new routes. And if you want to know how norwegians climbers train and talk, check this out:

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