Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont.
Konrad Adenauer

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I am waiting for you, W.!

 I am sitting here, waiting for you to come!

Are you coming?

Isn't it beautiful?

some random pictures from the last days!

I don't like to take the huge camera everywhere and all times with me. So I get pictures from my friends I will show you in some random mood now:

 On the left you see some views from our "white-t-shirt-party" yesterday. It was the last ESN Party but seemed more like a standing-writing-laughing - Party. Got some good memories on my shirt.

Above on the right hand you see most of our NORSEC participants in a sculpture in front of the university, taken last wednesday at the Art class.


After 3 months !!!! our first !!!! group picture with every 4 members !!!! - Starke Leistung!

The moment when it was to much porrage (Milchreis) for us and we felt tired and full.

Down you can see a section from our Yearbook 2012 - Norway!!!

Well, what else to say, it's almost over!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

deadlines, horses, beer and christmas in november

1) Essay handed out! After hours and hours just correcting stupid mistakes from others.

2) Horse Riding in Krossen Skole: pictures later
3) Obligatorio! Waffle Hour and Tuesday Beer in Østsia.

4) Norwegian Art: from Munch to ?

5) Making: Orange-Dadlar-Salat, Chocolate Pudding and Christmas Cookies

6) Sørlandets Kunstmuseum: Task: Watch a picture and describe it with questions for the others?!?

7) Trip through the city:

Horse Riding with Bea from Spain. Unfortunately most of the pictures were quite blurred, also the one you would've seen me doing handstand on the horse's back.....ok ok, not true, but at least I was riding Picollo, the black racist (he didn't like the white horse...tzz), more than 5 rounds, ehhh.

week 45

1) School Experience again. This time in Krossen Skole, a school with an Inclusion System for children with and without Special Education Needs

2) We had one bed bug and an expert who steamed the beds and poisoned the rooms. We had to wash our clothes on min. 60 degrees, the rest had to be warmed up in the oven at 70 degrees, baggage has been frozen in a special freezer-room. uff.

3) Movie Night "Headhunters": with Anne walking to UiA, watch the movie for free, brought beer, chips and chocolate.

4) "A typical norwegian Christmas Dinner" - served by norwegian "Food and Health" students.

Oh, btw, I had to represent Mexico. They needed 8 persons from 8 different countries. First come, first serve. And Laura was the first, she's from Germany. So I just had the possibility to represent my mexican soul, and it was funny!

With Selin from Switzerland and Hanna from Estonia.

5) Nothing in Norway, but in this week, Thursday the 8th "Hugo was born". Welcome the cruel world, Hugo.

6) Finishing the essay. A trip through hell because of one "smart" group member, thank you L.

"Ich bin hinterher!" - Climbing the walls with Bond

Mensch, drei Monate, ein Viertel Jahr ist überschritten. Mir selbst kam diese Zeitspanne paradoxerweise gleich schnell- als auch langsamvergehend vor. Aber auch die letzten Tage habe ich diesen Blog etwas schleifen lassen, was ich nun versuche etwas aufzuholen. Hängen geblieben bin ich in Woche 44. 

Samstag, 3.11.2012:

Nachdem wir Tage zuvor schon begonnen hatten mit unzähligen Griffen, die wir von der Kletterwand im Spicheren abgeschraubt hatten, diese dann am Freitag auch wieder in einer neuen Routenkonstellation anzuschrauben, konnte am Samstag das geplante Klettertunier, für alle umliegenden Regionen starten. Niemand kannte diese Routen, so dass es ein "neues" Klettererlebnis war. Mari und ich schossen zahlreiche Fotos, Nina schrieb fürs Unikum und auch sonst waren für alle KSI Kletterer alle Hand zu tun hinsichtlich der Organisation. Am Ende sind auch Nina und ich noch die Routen geklettert. Nachdem ich die letzten drei Monate mindenstens 2 mal in der Woche Klettern war, habe ich nun seit diesem Tag, also 2 Wochen, keine Wand mehr bestiegen.

 "Baby with chalkbag, haha!"

Nina and Mari watching, taking fotos and writing for Unikum, the universities' journal.
 "Checking out the new routes and how to get'em"
 Everybody has been there, from the youngest to the oldest!
 Rodrigo our star!
 Trying to solve norwegian problems!

Discovering a new route.

Got it with the first try. Yeah!

Belaying Nina!
 Next round! The red one, a bit more tricky!

After struggeling, but done!

Sonntag, 4.11.2012

Dieser Tag war dann in jedem Falle entspannter. Bin mit Anne Cecile in den neuen James Bond "Skyfall" gegangen, der, wie ich finde, gut gelungen war.