Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont.
Konrad Adenauer

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I proudly present: She arrived!

She, the Canon EOS 1100d, has found a new home. And I want to take care of her for the next few month:

She will help me to save my next impressions I'll get in Norway and you, attentive reader, are going to see the result, right here. And Norway will be just the beginning of an adventure life "she" has to save! Welcome to family!
P. and W. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

There's nothing else to say:

I am happy - Ich bin glücklich - Soy feliz - Je suis heureux - Jeg er glad - Estou feliz - Mutluyum - Я счастлив - 私は幸せです - Είμαι χαρούμενος - אני שמח - मैं ख़ुश हूँ - 저는 행복해요 - Olen iloinen
 - 我很高兴 - Щастлив съм - أنا سعيد - ...

That are most of the languages I ever got in touch with! For me it's quite beautiful just to hear the sound of a foreign language.
But happier makes me the language of love, and there is one person in my life speaking this language perfectly. Thank you W.

- FIN - 

"Un gato persigue a dos ratones. Uno de los ratones se para y grita "Gau Gau"y entonces el gato se aleja corriendo. Los ratones comentan entre ellos "Te das cuenta de la importancia de saber idiomas?"

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The International Students

It's funny! When I started to go abroad with sweet little sixteen, there was, at least the feeling, that internet doesn't (really) exist. I got my first mail-adress [it was karen_steinmetz@gmx.net --- I still remember it], arranged by my cousin. When I was in Mexico I called my parents like every 3 weeks(?) by phone. I started to write mails. I started to use the internet with "google, icq, napster". I already remember the modem and the strange sound it made logging in. I didn't have a mobile and every day I returned from selling drugs in the streets I had a hundred phone calls on a list which Lola had to answer all day long. I walked with my sony walkman down la calle listening a cassette with Bob Marley music.
Now I have 4 mail adresses, an iPod, an [old] mobile phone, this blog and there exists a monster called facebook. Somebody create a group "kristiansand fall 2012" and "ESN Uni i Agder - Norway". Everybody is posting in there like "Don't you have nothing to do at all?". And always the same questions: "Where do I buy toiletpaper? Is it expensive to live under the bridge? Did you also took the course 'How to ride by bike in winter'?" and so on. It seems that I already know all my colleagues. So, why go to Kristiansand?
Stop! The last sentences I wrote seem to be very negative. But I have to admit that all these things make it also a little easier. I didn't had to send my papers by airmail, I could sign my room-contract online and I bought already my trainticket. Well, sometimes I am not quite sure what I want. It's (like I started) funny to see how the world is changing. And while complaining all the time there are still a lot of things better than in the past and also helping for our future. But now I am prepared, now I want to smell the olor of Kristiansand, the beach, the mountains and the forest. I want to feel the cold weather.